| Research Interests | Work experience | Education | Theses | Projects | Talks and awards | PhD courses | Contact

Nikolas Borrel-Jensen, MSc Computer Science (2012), PhD (2023)
Simulation Intelligence Engineer, Pasteur Labs AI & ISI, (Brooklyn, US) [remote].

PhD research interests: Virtual acoustics

I am concerned with developing accurate and efficient methods for simulating room acoustics in dynamic scenes with parametric source/receiver positions. Applications are in computer games, virtual and augmented reality, such as spatial computing and metaverses. The focus is on traditional numerical methods and scientific machine learning methods for solving the underlying physics, implicitly taking wave phenomena into account.

Papers and abstracts:

Algorithmic composition

I have a profound interest in algorithmic composition, such as data-driven music creation and harmonization. Previously, I developed a method for harmonizing rhythmic music, and it uses a hidden Markov model to learn harmonizations of different artists in different genres and allows new chord sequences to be generated for a given melody. Audio examples

Work experience




Talks and awards

Courses taken as part of my PhD study


Nikolas Borrel-Jensen
E-mail: nikolasborrel@gmail.dk
Phone: (+45) 60 95 85 24